Mission Statement

      With Jesus in our hearts, we love, pray, learn and play.


We wanted our mission statement to be me memorable and meaningful for our children.  As a staff, we looked at St John Bosco’s oratory model of the four spaces of learning: home, school, church and playground; and the experiences that they provide.  

  • A home provides a space for belonging and love. 
  • A school provides a space for learning. 
  • A church provides a space for reflecting and prayer. 
  • A playground provides a place for enjoyment and play. 

Staff made suggestions for a mission statement with the experiences of love, learning, prayer and play as the central themes. A shortlist of six statements was selected which pupils, staff and governors could vote for online. The winning mission statement – ‘With Jesus in our hearts, we love, pray, learn and play’ - was announced during morning reflection at the beginning of our St John Bosco Feast Day celebrations on Friday 29th January. 

Using the oratory model of St John Bosco makes it meaningful to the children about what it means to be part of our school community. The mission statement has an element of rhyme to make it memorable.

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