

We recognise that Manchester currently has more children than the national average considered to be below the expected levels in communication, language and literacy by the end of the Reception year. To combat this, a number of our EYFS staff have attended training provided by the Sure Start Speech and Language Therapy Team.

At St John Bosco we are proud to use WellComm. We use the WellComm screening to identify children with both mild/ moderate language delay as well as those with a more significant delay. Our trained staff then deliver intervention using simple specific language activities to address any language difficulties individual children may have.

WellComm is a universal screen and toolkit used with children aged 6 months to 6 years. It utilises a mixture of observations and also direct screening activities. WellComm gives clear evidence of a child's needs and is able to support referrals to Speech and Language Therapy when necessary. 

In the WellComm screening, children will be given a colour coded score. 

Green - The child achieved a score which is age appropriate. No further testing is needed.

Amber - Mildly delayed language skills. This child needs to be screened in the age sections below until they achieve a green. This will highlight where the child is currently working and their targets to achieve the age appropriate score. Children who receive an amber score will receive interventions delivered by a trained member of staff. They will be rescreened after 3 months. 

If a child receives 2 continuous amber scores, we will also refer parent and carers to a Parent and Child interaction group 'Play and Talk.' This group is delivered in school by the Surestart Speech and Language service. We have received fantastic feedback about this group from parents and carers who have previously attended.

Red - Significantly delayed language skills. This child needs to be screened in the age sections below until they achieve a green. This will highlight where the child is currently working and their targets to achieve the age appropriate score. Children who receive a red score will receive interventions delivered by a trained member of staff. They will be rescreened after 3 months. 

If a child receives 2 continuous red scores, this will be raised with the SENDCo and next steps will be identified. 

Staff share all screening scores with parents at parent's evening. If you have any questions or would like to find out more about WellComm, please do not hesitate to ask us.


Useful links to support Communication and Language at home:

BBC Tiny Happy People

Greater Manchester 10 Tips for Talking

Bilingual Babies and Speaking Multiple Languages at Home

Learning to Talk NHS

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