Parent Updates

Friday 6th September 

With Jesus in our hearts, we love, pray, learn and play

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a wonderful first week back we have had!  The children have been an absolute credit to you. They all look so smart and everyone is behaving beautifully in their new classrooms and learning their new routines.  

New behaviour system 

We have introduced a new positive behaviour system in school this week and it is going well so far. Next week you will be sent details of how the system works, although I am sure your children are telling you about the Class Dojos they are being awarded with for great behaviour.  


Classes 1- 6 have 2 PE days this year.  

Nursery - Thursday (no kit needed)

Reception- Wednesday (no kit needed)

Y1: Tuesday and Wednesday 

Y2: Monday and Tuesday 

Y3: Monday and Friday 

 Y4: Swimming will start on Tuesday 10th September, information about this has already been emailed to you separately. Yr 4 will also have a PE lesson and will need a PE kit on Fridays.  

 Y5: Monday and Wednesday 

Y6: Tuesday and Thursday  

Children must bring their PE kits in and then leave them in school. The children need a plain coloured t-shirt (to match the house your child is in).  

If you haven’t yet bought a coloured T-shirt, plain white is fine.  

Blue t-shirt – St Theresa 

Red t-shirt – St Dominic  

Green t-shirt – St Bernadette 

Yellow t- shirt- St Maximillian 

Black shorts or jogging bottoms, black pumps or trainers, red school jumper. Earrings must be removed or the child will not be allowed to do PE.


We have changed our Modern Foreign Languages language in KS2 to Spanish this year. The children will be engaging in interactive lessons where they will learn basic spanish vocabularly. Next week you will be informed through the lass curriculum over view what they are learning. The staff are excited to teach Spanish and I have already seen some children pracitising 'hola' and 'adios'!


Classroom Drop-Ins 

We would like to invite you to come and have a quick look at your children’s classroom as follows:  

Tuesday 10th September – Parents of EYFS and Year 1 and 2 children after collecting your children you may come back in to have a look at the classroom. All other children to be collected from their usual exits.  

Thursday 12th September – Parents of Year 3, 4, 5 and 6, please collect your children as usual then make your way back in to look at the clasroom. All other children to be collected from their usual exits. Please note – these classroom drop-ins are non-essential, if you can’t make it, that is fine. 

Pupils responsibilities and roles

I have spoken to the children today about a wide variety of roles and responsibilities within school that they could apply for if they would like to. These include...

Digital leaders, Lunchtime ambassadors, reading ambassadors, house captains, school council, buddies, mental health ambassadors.

Children can apply for these roles, initially by letting me know they are interested in it and then with a follow up chat. Depending on the numbers applying, we need to pick names out of hat. The pupils will be changed termly to ensure others can a chance.

We want to promote independence, leadership and organisational skills through these roles.

Water bottles  

Thank you for bringing in water bottles this week. They have been sent back home with your child today and will need bringing back in on Monday.  


Afterschool Activity Clubs

These will begin again next week. These are clubs to enable children to socialise and enjoy the activities. Please ensure your child wants to come to club that their name is down for. Please also ensure you pick your child up at 4pm. All the clubs finish at this time.  



Getting Instagram downloaded is a must to keep up to date with all taht we do in school. Scan the QR code to see what we have been doing in school this week...

Instagram promo.png

Please ensure the office has permission for staff to take your child's photos and put it on Instagram.


Easy Fundraising

Did you know that St John Bosco Primary are registered with Easyfundraising? This is an organisation that raises money for good causes. Easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. This means you can raise money for us every time you get clothes, groceries, takeaways, insurance, school supplies or anything else you might be buying online anyway. It won’t cost you any extra! The cost is covered by the brand you are buying from. Please scan the QR code below and get raising money.  

 easy fundraising .png

We are beginning to recieve some money through this so thank you to those parents who have signed up already. 


Reminder!! Our gates open at 8.35am, the doors open at 8.40am. The gates close at 8.45am sharp. The children are being registered at 8.45am and then start their learning straight away. Please ensure your children are in school by this time and are in their first lesson so they do not miss any important learning. Also, being late unsettles your child and can get them off to a bad start. Please get them here on time. 


Reading and homework

Children from Y1 to 6 will be given reading books next week, please read with your children every day if possible.  Reading books and reading records must be brought to school every day, whether the children have read or not (adults in school will listen to children in school)Please sign the diary to show your child has read. Homework will also begin next week.

When you are reading with your child, please ask questions about what they have read to check their understanding and ensure they know the meanings of some of the trickier words in the text. The importance of reading for children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health. 

Parents speaking to teachers

 Communication is really important to us. If you would like to speak to a class teacher about any issues concerning your child, please make an appointment to see the class teacher. Please do not try to discuss issues when you are dropping your child off or picking your child up. The teacher needs to ensure the class's safety and they cannot do this if they are having conversations while meeting and greeting children or making sure they are going home with the right adults. Thank you for your support with this. 

Attendance- If your child is poorly please call or email the office before 8.45am to let us know. Please provide appointment letters if you are taking your child out of school for medical appointments.   


School Milk– If you wish your child to have school milk, please register at 


Payments to school– Please can parents make sure they are up to date with their payments to school for dinner money, breakfast club and afterschool club. Please make sure you are signed up to the School Gateway. 


Thank you for our continued support of your children and our lovely school. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

With love and prayers, 

Mrs Pearson 


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